The confusion that women make about feminism and women equality

Are we really equal to men ?

Or are we equal to men and more ?

Yes we are equal to men because we women can be sensible and smart  with out being emotional

Yes we women can lead , own and run  business just as men can do

Yes we as women can also be strong and do any kind of job that any man can.

And yes we deserve equal pay and acknowledgement as men do.

And ladies we can  deserve all that and can be all that and more.

Iv come to realize that many women are now under the misconception that you cannot be women and still be man enough.

So we try by all means to prove that we are man enough wen in reality just trying to be man enough is actually limiting ourselves as women in general .

Because we as women can be both man and woman enough

Who says being and acting like a women means you can not be man enough

That’s why there is the term super woman because women were not just made but we were created for a very special purpose .we were given the ability to feel more, to love more, to do more,to endure more  and most importantly to give life and maintain that life. something that no man can achieve even if they tried.

And ladies don’t confuse being feminist with being sexist because many women feel like they do not need a man or a husband to raise  a family because it makes you needy and week

 But who says being a mother and a wife means you cannot be a business woman or be independent?

I have  come to realize that many women are  trying to be like most  men and trying to be emotionless about most things,

but who says being emotional means you not strong enough and there for not man enough!!

Stop putting limitations on yourself by thinking you cannot be and have everything you want because you can! You can be every type of woman and still be man enough!

You can be beautiful and yet smart, you can be needy and still be independent ,you can be emotional and still strong and you can cook, clean ,give birth and get back to business because

You are a woman !! And can have everything and anything because that’s what being a female is all about being a  female and still male enough.





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